Transforming business from good to great
BOS transforms SMEs by enabling them to get truly organised and enjoy strong, secure and lasting success.
Our work is focused on helping good quality, ambitious SMEs employing between 30-200 people. Our goal is to
work with CEOs and their leadership teams to formulate the right solutions and implement and embed them into
their business. AI has empowered the contribution we make, enabling our clients to transform the potential of
their business and substantially reduce future risk.
The outcome is increased productivity and profitability and a substantially more valuable business. At the same
time, we help to build a truly great place to work and make a significant impact on employee motivation, productivity
and motivation.
The AI revolution
Every major advance in technology accelerates the speed of change and intensifies competition in every marketplace.
The AI revolution will be no different. For every SME, it represents a double-edged sword: it gives you the opportunity
to transform your business and, at the same, your competition the chance to destroy it.
Given our rationale and approach, we are perfectly placed to help SMEs navigate the AI revolution and build a
profound, winning advantage.
Get Ready for AI
We have developed our Get Ready for AI programme (GRFAI) to help business leaders properly prepare their
organisation for the AI revolution, start implementing it into their business and steal a march on their competition.
Download our free eBook: Get Ready for AI. It provides a clear pathway including dozens of insights and
recommendations to help you kick-start your AI journey and build a winning organisation. One that will thrive in
the fiercely competitive markets that lie ahead.
We’re here to help you Get Ready for AI with ease and confidence. Having read the eBook, please feel to
connect with us to discuss any of its points and where your business is in your AI journey.
How we work
From our years of experience working in, founding, developing and advising SMEs, we have a built an excellent
understanding of their different ways of working.
We understand the needs that arise from the nuances of the SME culture and the relentless pressures and constraints
they face, including busy executive schedules and tight budgets.
In response, we’ve developed our own processes to accommodate these constraints. As a result,
our work is highly cost effective and implemented using our proven Six Step Process,
developed especially for the SME community.
Are you ready for AI?
The AI revolution is already underway and gathering momentum as every day passes.
Is your business preparing properly for the AI revolution and the fiercely competitive marketplace it will bring?
Are you building the right AI proficient organisation that can thrive in the fiercely competitive markets that lie ahead?
Does the future concern you and are you confident about the steps you are taking at this very important time?
If you employ between 30-200 people and have concerns about the ability of your organisation to compete in the AI revolution, contact us and let’s start a conversation.
Three principal objectives of BOS
When BOS works with businesses, we have Three Principal Objectives:

Over the next three years, to substantially improve your productivity

Substantially increase the value of your business

Help you build a really great place to work